Sealing railway wagons provides for the safe transport of commodities and goods. This is especially important if hazardous goods or valuable freight are involved. Wagon seals protect against unauthorised access to the freight and against a hazardous load accidentally coming into contact with the environment or with people during transport. We are able to offer different security and high security seals that are suitable for wagons and for transportation involving other means of transport such as trucks and tank vehicles.
Freight trains are of great importance in national and international transportation – countless commodities and goods are conveyed in wagons every day from A to B. Seals to safeguard the wagons are indispensable in order to ensure that the load reaches its destination safely and in an undamaged condition. For the most part mountable without tools, security and high security seals can, as a rule, only be opened again using a high-quality tool, thus preventing the secured goods being accessed by unauthorised persons. Attempts at manipulation are also countered, as the wagon seals have consecutive numbering or also a unique number code. If an original seal is replaced in transit, this will be quickly noticed. The seals are only intended for one-time use and are destroyed when the wagons are opened.
Rely on maximum security by using wagon seals that meet demands for high quality standards. We are able to offer numerous security and high security seals for your rail transport – for example, the FT Seal npc or Truck Seal 245 – and would be pleased to provide you with competent advice regarding choice.
Setzen auch Sie auf maximale Sicherheit für den Transport Ihrer Waren und Güter: Die Ferrotec GmbH bietet neben Sicherheitsplomben auch Hochsicherheitssiegel an, die gemäß den geltenden internationalen Bestimmungen ISO-zertifiziert sind. Die Plomben bieten über die gesetzlichen Anforderungen hinaus zusätzliche Extras zum Schutz vor Manipulation und lassen sich nur mit einem Qualitäts-Bolzenschneider öffnen. Containersiegel für Drehstangen und weitere Hochsicherheitsplomben werden bei der Ferrotec GmbH für Cargo, Bulk-, Stahlseilplomben Open Top Container, Reefer- und Liquid-Container gefertigt sowie für viele weitere Transportbehältnisse.
Zur Versiegelung ist in der Regel kein Werkzeug erforderlich. Verschiedene Siegelfarben sowie Druckfarben zur Kennzeichnung der Plomben stehen Ihnen zur Auswahl. Für Fragen rund um das Thema Hochsicherheitsplomben, sowie allen anderen Arten der Versiegelung, stehen wir Ihnen gerne telefonisch unter der Durchwahl +49 (0) 4533 – 20870 0 zur Verfügung.